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The Benefits of Calling a Domestic Violence Hotline

You'll likely be terrified the first time you call a domestic violence hotline. You'll likely ask yourself things like, "What if he finds out? Do I really want to do this? What will happen if I seek help? Will this cost me anything? What will be expected of me?"

Your worries will be assuaged the moment you hear the call center's friendly, encouraging voice at the other end of the line. Your situation can be uk virtual mobile number and perhaps you've even lost sight of how bad it's gotten. It's easy to feel as though fighting is normal, but you deserve a second chance at life and love, before it's too late.

Domestic violence hotlines may provide crisis intervention services. First, you will receive a list of all helpful resources in your area. If you are still in the dangerous situation, then you will receive assistance arranging a safety plan to ensure that you and your children get out of harm's way.

Transitional housing and economic assistance can be provided if you feel "stuck" and are unable to get out because of financial restrictions. Additionally, you may set up group or individual counseling to help you once the decision to leave has been made.

Even if you "feel ok," there may be subtle, deep-seated emotional damage that you need to sort out before you can move on. Court assistance, police protection against stalking and medical assistance can also be arranged through the abuse hotlines. There's no need to face this situation alone: an invested caseworker will provide the emotional support you need to be strong. Community programs and training can help you gain necessary job skills to be independent as well.

Following domestic violence cases, victims are encouraged to seek emotional support and therapy. While you were victimized, you likely suffered the manipulation tactics from your partner, who had you feeling worthless, helpless, at fault, guilty, incompetent, stupid, anxious, depressed and unlike yourself. Perhaps you became isolated and withdrawn, losing contact with many of your friends, as well as apathetic, losing all your hobbies and independent interests that used to make you happy.

You may have become totally dependent on your abuser in every way, which reveals that your partner's goal was reached successfully. To get back in touch with the "real" you, self-help support groups, assertiveness training, confidence-building, parenting skills courses and one-on-one therapy can work wonders. A domestic violence hotline can link you with local resources to ensure your healthy recovery.


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