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Communities Need a Readily Accessible Drug Rehabilitation Facility More Than Ever

 Drug abuse is a very current and very real issue in today's society, spanning nationalities and genders everywhere. Statistical studies have shown that approximately one in five people in the US alone have taken at least one type of controlled or prohibited substance. The 18-21 age bracket has the most number of admitted users, with around 46 percent claiming to have tried something. These numbers are the latest in a series of figures that seem to be growing over the years, making the need for an easily accessible, highly effective drug rehabilitation facility a must in as many cities, towns and neighborhoods as

Consider as well that while the use of marijuana - widely considered a 'gateway' to other, more dangerous substances - has dropped from 17.3 percent to 16.3 percent among 18 to 25-year-olds from 2002-2006, other drugs like cocaine are either holding their ground or increasing in usage. There have also been drops in the perceived harmfulness and disapproval of hallucinogens like LSD and MDMA over the past two years, particularly from 8th to 12th-graders. Even more strenuous efforts must be made to both rehabilitate current users and to cut future users off as soon as possible.

To be truly effective, a drug rehabilitation facility must understand the reasons for the existence of drug abuse in the first place. While some take illegal or controlled substances simply for the experience, most users have underlying issues that motivate their actions. These issues are commonly emotional in nature, and must be addressed along with any physiological problems during treatment. Gender differences must also be taken into consideration, and a female-specific drug rehabilitation facility in fact usually yields better results than male-oriented counterparts.

Drug abuse is a problem that is not going away any time soon. Clearly, drug rehab centers must be added upon, developed and improved for the long haul, for everyone's sake.


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