When you think about a wiki, you probably think about Wikipedia. You think about a dull page and tons of textual information and maybe some links or even a picture. If that's what you're thinking about when thinking about wikis, you should really try Hidden wiki link . JotSpot is a wiki that will change your life. It's a great way to collaborate with your family, friends, coworkers, your company, your Intranet or just manage your life. It's a really easy to use tool, with drag and drop and very basic computer skills are needed to create something great that could be really helpful.
Here are some of the things you can do with JotSpot:
1. Hompage. Share your favorite links that will be interesting for the site's users and they can also add their own links. Add pages to the homepage, add links, write texts and give others the chance to comment on it or change it (you'll need to set permissions for every option).
2. Calendar. Create events and share them with your friends or family. Mark special company dates or your own birthday. Users can add their own events and collaborate dates.
3. Share Files. Upload any file type and share it with your coworkers - they can change the document, modify it and upload it, the next users will see the 2 versions and could track the progress.
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