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What You Need to Know About Classic 3 Reel and 5 Reel Casino Slot Machines - Fruit Machines Club

 The classic 3 reel slot machine really is just that, it's a classic. It all began with a simple 3 cylinder crude type slot machine. You would just simply pull the handle and if three characters the same all lined up then you were a winner. The original graphics were simply 3 liberty bells.

This simple machines soon caught the attention of any one that had a heart for gambling. In the beginning though they didn't pay out money, they were just played for fun. That soon changed and it wasn't long before you could gain a bit of a prize off of them. Originally the machine owners would put up their own prizes for the winners. Perhaps a drink on the house would be an offering.

Then from there they evolved into real money payouts. They progressed where there were different symbols that you could align and if you did they you would win some sort of prize. Then jackpots were attached to them. The bets began to vary. You could play as little as a quarter a game or seventy five cents to bet the maximum. It was enticing to place the maximum bet because if you didn't and you happened to line up the three bells then you wouldn't win the jackpot. You would still win some type of nice prize money though.

It wasn't long before lots more graphics were added to the world of slot machines. In today's casino's you will find almost every type of graphic you can think of. For example there are ones for movie stars and singers like Kenny Rogers. On the numbers there are pictures of Kenny Rogers, so if you line up three pictures the same as him, then you are a winner. Or perhaps there is a bonus symbol, which acts as a wild card, so if you got two Kenny Rogers plus one bonus symbol then it would be the same as having three of him.

After a while there came the five reel. In the beginning this was a really exciting slot machine and a nice change from the classic three wheel. With this machine you can win 5 different ways. There is a top line, a middle line, a bottom line, then two lines corner to corner. This is how it became known as the five line classic reel slot. You have more chances to win but its going to cost you more to play all five lines. You don't have to play the five lines, in fact you can play just one. If it's a twenty five cent a line machine then to play all the lines it will cost you a $1.25.


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