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Engagement Rings - Auspicious Rings for the Auspicious Ceremony

 Engagement is a one of the most auspicious ceremonies that ever takes place in a person's life. It signifies the betrothal of a woman to a man and the prefatory step a lifelong relationship and precedes marriage. So a person may obviously expect an apt gift that befits the occasion. The most common gift for an engagement ceremony is an engagement ring that is usually given to the girl by the man. And the most common engagement ring that is 婚約指輪 福岡 on engagement ceremonies is a solitaire ring. The other common gifts for engagement ceremonies are diamond wedding band and the like.

Since engagement is the first step to an eternal relationship, it is indeed very special for both the man and the woman. So a proper engagement ring to grace the occasion is no big deal for most people getting engaged. This has been proved through a survey conducted in the US wherein it has been found that the average price of an engagement ring is $2,100. This figure bears testimony to the fact as to how much special is an engagement ceremony to general people and what people are ready to cough up when it comes to such special occasions.

Selection of an engagement ring can also be an uphill task. This is a time when people's fancies may be enlivened and therefore people think of gifting their beloved something really special and uncommon. This therefore becomes a quest, at times, for beauty and rarity. So the best way to go about it is through undergoing a preliminary search and then boiling down to a few items that one has selected. This search can be started from home as well via the internet. There are innumerable websites that offer engagement rings, solitaire rings and even diamond wedding bands. So one can not only go through the designs, sizes and shapes but also browse through the prices. This will help develop a comprehensive idea about the existing market and prevailing market rates. One may also come to know many things that one did not know about engagement rings and jewelry at large prior to this search process.

Once one has gone through the websites, the next task is to select a few pieces that one finds beautiful to look at and also well within one's budget. Mulling the auspiciousness of the occasion, it is rather advisable to cross one's upper limits of budget if so required in case one has found something extremely beautiful since engagement ceremony is one occasion that is remembered for one's entire lifetime. The next step is obviously to buy the ring or the diamond wedding band and wait for the D day when the man will gift it to his beloved. The search can also be based on the woman's preferences and she can also be part of the search process in case she wants to be. The obvious advantage is that this will help one get rid of the apprehension that whether his beloved will like the gift or not.

The selection criteria of such an engagement ring are quite a few. One should consider the metal that one is looking forward to gifting namely gold, silver or platinum. In case one is planning to gift a solitaire, which refers to a ring with only one stone on it, one also has to select the type of stone. Popular stones for solitaire rings are diamond, sapphires, emeralds and rubies. These very well adorn the rings and indeed increase the elegance of the ring and also the occasion.

If one is going for a diamond wedding band, then also the selection process is almost the same. The difference is that it is worn on the wrist and not on the finger. The engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand. But it varies from culture to culture. The myth of wearing the engagement ring on the ring finger dates back to the age old convention of the ancient Egyptians who did the same since they believed that the ring finger of the left hand had a nerve that was directly connected to the heart.


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