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Carp Reels

 Carp is a common name for numerous species of fish living in freshwater. They can be found in ponds and lakes around the globe. Carp is a 릴게임 large group of fish native Asia and Europe. They have also been introduced to various locations around the world with mixed results. Fishing for carp has a great appeal because this is a species which is large and which will put up a fight. Carp fishing is also featured in fishing games online.

Carp fishing needs lots of equipments like rods, tackles and fly-fishing reels. Much thought should be given before making any purchase. Your equipment, like the coarse fishing tackle, has a very big influence on the outcome of your fishing game. It can allow you to catch more fish or it might restrict you from catching any fish. Aside from the equipment, there are also techniques that should be applied for successful carp fishing.

Carp Fishing around the World

Carp is a prized fish in Europe. Even when they are not fished for food, they are sought by anglers. The United Kingdom has a thriving carp angling market. In the United States, the carp is classified as a rough fish. They are also thought to be damaging naturalized, exotic species but one that has sporting qualities.

Many people, however, are viewing it as an angling fish, instead of a maligned pest. The sport of carp fishing or angling is well respected throughout Europe. It has even spawned carp angling holidays.

In New Zealand, Koi carps are regarded as noxious fish. Recreational fishing is permitted but in some areas Koi must be killed when caught.

Types of Carp Reels and How to Use Them

· Fixed spool reel. This is set up by having the clutch set just below the breaking strain of the line but it also has some potential problems. It a big carp takes your bait and make a run for it, two things can likely happen. The first thing that can happen is that the run will be so fierce that it can break your line before you can get to a position to reach the rod and free the clutch some more. The other thing that can happen is if your line does not break, your rod will be pulled from its rest and your rod and reel will be seen sailing across the lake, trailing the carp. This reel is only good if you are sitting right next to it and if you're able to notice the initial indication of the bite and when you're ready if the carp attempts to make a run for it.

· Baitrunner reel. This is the most commonly used carp fishing reel nowadays. The first clutch is set up to match the breaking strain of the fishing line. When this clutch is engages, you can cast bait out and set the rod on a rod test or pod. Once you are satisfied with its position, you can engage the second clutch. You will also be able to adjust the tension of the second clutch if you are fishing n windy conditions or moving water. Engaging the second clutch is as easy as picking up the rod and turning the handle of the carp reel. The turn of the handle instantly engages the first clutch that is set up to match your fishing line weight.


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