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Spotify: You Won't Know How You Lived Without It

Remember when you used to have to go out and buy a $20 CD for your favorite song, when you didn't like any of the other ones? Or worse yet, when the piracy boom took over and everyone started illegally downloading their favorite song? Not anymore! Spotify has changed all that.

Spotify is a free music streaming service that was started in October, 2008. Since then its popularity has exploded -- and for good reason. Simply search through their artist libraries, starring your favorite songs as you go along. Want more of the same type of music? Go to artist radio, that will play artists similar to your favorite, or click related artists youtube video promotion get a large list of similar artists. It makes it easy to build monster playlists. And those are playlists that you can share with your friends! If your friends have Spotify, they can listen to your playlists and you can listen to theirs.

Spotify is more than just music streaming software. It's social networking genius. The tracks you are listening to will automatically be fed through to your Facebook page. If you see a friend listening to a song that you like, simply click on the title in the live stream to play it in Spotify.

The good people at Spotify have even seen fit to add apps to their service. Ever wondered what your favorite artist is saying during that one song of his? Add the TuneWiki app and it will sync the lyrics up with the songs you play! Curious when your favorite band will be touring in your area? Download SongKick Concerts and you'll never miss another show again. There are several other apps available as well to make your music listening experience that much more fun.

As if Spotify wasn't awesome enough as it is, for $9.99 you can use Spotify Premium. With this extended service, you can listen to Spotify wherever you go. You can play it through your mobile device, even hook your smart phone up to your car radio and jam to Spotify on your way to work! Have a Sonos wireless music system in your house? You can connect Spotify up to it and stream the tunes into any room of your home! You can also get Spotify through many other receivers, including WD TV and Boxee. One of the best things about Spotify Premium is off-line mode. You can save your favorite playlists to your computer or phone and listen to them even when you don't have internet access! How cool is that?


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